Privacy Policy

Personal identification information

When users visit our site, register, shop, subscribe to our newsletter, fill out a form, and in conjunction with other activities, services, features, or resources we make accessible on our site, we may gather personal identifiable information about them in a variety of ways. Name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and credit card information may be requested of users as necessary. However, users can browse our website anonymously. Only if users willingly provide us with personal identifiable information, will we be able to gather it from them. Users always have the option to withhold personally identifiable information, but doing so can restrict them from taking part in some site-related activities.

Non-personal identification information

Every time a User interacts with our site, we may gather non-personal identification data about them. Non-personal identifying information may include the name of the user's browser, the kind of computer they are using, and technical information about their means of access to our Site, including the browser type, operating system, and the Internet service providers used.

Web browser cookies

Cookies may be used on our site to improve user experience. Cookies are stored on a user's hard drive by their web browser for record-keeping and occasionally to track information about them. A user's web browser can be configured to accept cookies or to notify them when they are being sent. If they do, be aware that some elements of the Site might not operate correctly.

How we use collected information

Users' personal information may be gathered and used by Jolly Party Beans for the following reasons:

  • Enhancing client service
  • We can reply to your support and customer service requirements more quickly with the information you give us.
  • In order to improve user experience
  • To better understand how our Users as a whole use the services and content on our site, we may use information in aggregate.
  • To enhance our website We may use the comments you leave to enhance our goods and services.
  • Processing payments
  • We may only use the personal data customers supply when placing an order to fulfil that order. Except as required to deliver the service, we do not disclose this information to third parties.
  • To conduct a campaign, competition, survey, or other site feature.
  • To send users information about subjects we think they'll find interesting that they consented to receive.
  • Periodically send emails
  • We might use the email address to tell the User about updates to their order and to send them information. Inquiries, questions, and/or other requests may also be addressed through it. Users will receive emails that may include company news, updates, details about relevant products or services, etc. if they choose to opt-in to our mailing list. We include clear unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email in case the User ever wants to stop receiving future communications.

How we protect your information

To prevent unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information, and data maintained on our Site, we implement suitable data collecting, storage, and processing procedures and security measures.

The Site and its Users exchange private and sensitive data over an SSL-secured communication channel, which is encrypted and secured by digital signatures. In order to provide Users with the safest possible environment, our site complies with PCI vulnerability standards.

Sharing your personal information

We never trade, sell, or let others rent access to the personal information of our users. For the objectives mentioned above, we may provide anonymous, generic demographic data about our users and visitors to trusted affiliates, marketers, and business partners. This data will not include any personally identifying information. When running our company, the Site, or doing tasks like sending out newsletters or surveys on our behalf, we may work with outside service providers. If you have granted us permission, we may disclose your information to these third parties for those specific, limited purposes.

Third party websites

On our website, users may come across advertisements or other content that contains links to the websites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors, and other third parties. We have no control over the information or links that appear on these websites, and we disclaim any liability for any actions taken by websites that are linked to or from our Site. Additionally, the links and content of these websites and services may change often. These websites and services can have their own terms of service and privacy policies. Any other website that you browse or interact with, including ones we link to, is governed by its own terms and regulations.

Compliance with children's online privacy protection act

Young children's privacy needs to be protected in particular. Because of this, we never knowingly collect or keep information from anyone we genuinely know to be under 13, and no element of our website is designed to appeal to children under 13.

Changes to this privacy policy

This privacy statement may be updated at any time by Jolly Party Beans. We will update the date at the bottom of this page when we do so. To keep up with changes to this policy, we encourage Users to check this page frequently. By doing so, they can learn how we're assisting in the protection of their personal data. You understand and agree that it is your duty to frequently examine this privacy statement and be aware of updates.

Your acceptance of these terms

You agree to this policy by making use of this website. Please don't use our Site if you disagree with this policy. If changes to this policy are posted and you continue to use the site, it will be assumed that you agree to the changes.

Contact us

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our website's policies, or your interactions with it.